Market Need
As financial incentives such as FITs decrease, and capital for financing becomes increasingly difficult to obtain, the solar industry must be able to provide lower-cost systems. Suppliers of balance-of-system (BOS) components such as inverters, cabling, combiners and associated labor are under ever-increasing pressure to drive out costs without sacrificing quality or performance.
The HDPV Alliance brings together companies around an open HDPV standard to meet the industry need for lower cost, higher performing systems in a way that streamlines adoption and accelerates market momentum. HDPV compliant inverters deliver up to twice the power at a higher efficiency than the same inverter operating in a normal mode. Doubling the rated power is equivalent to cutting the cost in cents per watt (¢/W) in half. With HDPV inverters, systems also are designed with more PV modules in a series string to save up to fifty percent on DC BOS costs.
Through the efforts of the Alliance to maintain an open standard, and to create awareness for its members’ products and services, the solar industry as a whole will benefit from the coordinated advancement of compatible PV system products and designs that drive down the cost of energy.
Why should you join?
The solar industry is faced with increasing pressure to drive costs lower – and your company likely faces the same challenge. As awareness of the HDPV cost and performance advantage grows, PV system designers and buyers will specify equipment compatible with Alliance standards and marked with the HDPV label.
In short, equipment with the HDPV label will be recognized as both having a lower installed cost and providing a superior return on investment (ROI), and members of the Alliance who create or use those products will have an edge.
Through the HDPV network, members will have access to technology and products to deliver a better solution. They will benefit from pooled marketing resources that promote the HDPV mission and support its members’ compatible products and services.